
It Came From Japan is an agency running tours and showcases that bring the freshest, creamiest Japanese bands to the UK. ICFJ's podcast is our way of saying thanks to the fans who come to our shows, and a way to expose new Japanese artists to music-lovers in the West. Please subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. We want to hear your comments, and we hope you love it!


ICFJ #046 – Picks of 2015, including Dempagumi.inc, Passepied and more!

podcast by Daniel Robson on December 30th, 2015

On ICFJ#046, Daniel and Asuka look back at their musical highlights of 2015, with a playlist that includes Dempagumi.inc (Dempari Night), Looprider (Kill La), HAJIMETAL (GIRI GAL), VooDoo Hawaiians (Ame No Hi No Parade), BO-PEEP (YOU&I) and Passepied (Ura No Ura).

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